
Journey with the Torchbearers of Yijing Wisdom

About Arts of Living Bright

Making A Positive Difference In Your Life Each Day Using The Wisdom of Yijing

At Arts of Living Bright, we are not mere spectators of life; we are the architects of transformation. Founded by the visionary Yijing Life Coach Yeo Khoon Leong, our mission is to ignite profound change in the lives of those who dare to seek the extraordinary through the wisdom of Yijing.
Our Guiding Star

- The Yijing Way

In a world where uncertainty is the only constant, we find solace and guidance in the ancient wisdom of Yijing. This timeless philosophy, honed over millennia, offers us a compass to navigate the ever-shifting tides of life. We do not merely teach Yijing; we live it. It’s the essence of our existence.
Founder Yeo Khoon Leong

- Your Guiding Light:

Meet the luminary behind our mission, Yijing Life Coach Yeo Khoon Leong. With a profound understanding of Yijing, decades of experience, and a relentless dedication to helping others, Khoon Leong has become the torchbearer of Yijing wisdom for countless individuals, from seasoned leaders to eager learners.

“In a world driven by quick fixes and instant gratification, we dare to explore the profound depths of ancient wisdom, for therein lies the true transformation.” – Yeo Khoon Leong

Our Mission

- Leading the Way with Yijing Wisdom

Arts of Living Bright is more than a coaching center; we are a beacon of light in the modern world, illuminating the path to personal and professional success. Our mission is to guide you towards a life enriched with wisdom, insight, and boundless potential. We don’t just promise change; we deliver it.
Est. 2016

Our Story & History

Since our inception in 2016, Arts of Living Bright has been a beacon of transformation and enlightenment, guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them through the timeless wisdom of Yijing.

Our Story:
Arts of Living Bright began as a dream in the heart of our Founder Yeo Khoon Leong. Fueled by a profound passion for Yijing and a desire to share its life-changing insights, Khoon Leong envisioned a sanctuary where people could explore ancient wisdom and apply it to modern life.

From Humble Beginnings:
What started as a small, dedicated community quickly grew into a vibrant hub of learning and transformation. Our early days were marked by intimate workshops and personalized coaching sessions, where we witnessed the incredible impact of Yijing on our clients’ lives.

Our Mission:
Throughout our journey, our mission has remained steadfast: to make a positive difference in people’s lives by empowering them with the transformative power of Yijing. We believe that true change comes from within, and through our teachings, we help individuals unlock their potential and navigate life with clarity and purpose.

Our Commitment:
As we continue to grow and evolve, our commitment to our clients remains unwavering. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of guidance and support, ensuring that each person who walks through our doors leaves with a renewed sense of purpose and insight.

Looking Forward:
The future holds boundless possibilities, and we are excited to embark on this journey with you. With the wisdom of Yijing as our guide, we are poised to continue making profound impacts on the lives of our clients, fostering a community of enlightened, empowered individuals.

At Arts of Living Bright, our story is not just about the past; it’s about the ongoing journey of transformation and discovery. Join us as we continue to illuminate the path to wisdom and empowerment, one hexagram at a time.

Embark on Your Transformation Journey

Discover the Extraordinary with Arts of Living Bright